Topics Trading

Maximizing Crypto Profits: Proven Short- and Long-Term Trading Strategies

Bybit Guide
May 23, 2024

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (often cited as digital gold) offer a trustless, peer-to-peer system for transferring value on digital ledgers known as blockchains. Unlike traditional currencies issued by governments, cryptos have no central intermediary that can censor transactions, and they possess the capability to revolutionize value transfer by enabling secure, transparent and practically instant transactions. 

The excitement over cryptocurrencies has also led to substantial profit opportunities. This article will discuss getting started with crypto trading, and provide an overview of proven indicators and trading strategies to maximize crypto profits.


Key Takeaways:

  • Crypto trading involves buying and selling digital assets to profit from price changes using effective short- and long-term trading strategies.

  • Proven strategies — such as day trading or swing trading, and using long-term indicators and tools — can help you build wealth.

  • Risk management is essential in terms of keeping your positions right-sized and maintaining profitability.

Getting Started With Crypto Trading

What Is Crypto Trading?

Crypto trading is the buying and selling of digital assets through an exchange, with the goal of profiting from price changes. Via their accounts, crypto traders swap fiat currencies such as the U.S. dollar for a digital currency, or trade one cryptocurrency against another. 

The successful trading process involves a series of steps. It begins with initiating an order and progresses through order execution, clearing, settlement and, finally, position and risk management. This forms the life cycle of a crypto trade that ensures digital currencies move seamlessly from one wallet to another. 

Exchanges and platforms typically charge fees to facilitate trades, including maker/taker fees, which depend on whether a trader is adding or taking liquidity from the market; withdrawal and deposit fees for transferring funds; staking fees for participating in blockchain network validation and rewards; and transaction fees, often tiered based on trading volume over a certain period.

These fees are devised to incentivize trading activities and boost liquidity. Exchanges often reduce fees for increasing trade volume, holding the exchange’s native token or achieving a higher tier status. Each exchange applies its own specific fee structure. Traders must review and understand these costs in order to manage their trading activities effectively. You could pay as many as 12 different types of cryptocurrency exchange fees.

Learn more: Crypto Trading Fees: Comparing Crypto Fees Across Exchanges

Setting up Your Crypto Trading Account With Bybit

Once you have an idea of what crypto trading is about, getting started with a Bybit trading account is straightforward. First, register with your email or phone number on the Bybit website or app. Then, complete your identity verification to access features like fiat deposits and increased withdrawal limits. Next, deposit your cryptocurrencies into your newly opened Bybit account to begin trading.

Understanding Your Risk Profile

Knowing how much uncertainty you can stomach helps you align your investment strategies with your comfort level and financial goals. Risk profiles generally fall within three broad categories: 

  • conservative investors, who prefer stability 

  • moderate investors, who balance risk and reward 

  • risk-loving, aggressive investors, who are gunning for high rewards

Each profile type demands different strategies and investment choices, from stablecoins for more traditional investors to high-growth projects for aggressive ones. The crypto market is consistently volatile, and knowing your risk profile will help you trade better and safer.

Types of Crypto Trading

Spot Trading

Crypto spot trading is the simplest form of crypto trading. It’s the direct buying or selling of cryptocurrencies at prevailing market prices (spot prices). Traders mostly use spot trading to exchange assets, hold them long-term or capitalize on short-term price movements. Spot trading is popular for its simplicity. It gives traders full control over their owned cryptocurrencies, allowing for direct use or transfer as needed.

Learn more: What Is a Spot Market for Crypto Trading?

Derivatives Trading

Derivatives are financial contracts that “derive” their value from an underlying cryptocurrency's price. Unlike with spot trading, derivatives traders don’t own the actual digital currency. Instead, they hold a contract that represents it. This trading method makes room for more complex strategies, such as leveraging and shorting, which enable traders to profit from rising and falling prices. Derivatives include futures, options and perpetual swaps, each with its own set of rules and potential applications.

Learn more: What Are Crypto Derivatives: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Trading

Options Trading

Options trading is a type of derivatives trading that provides the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a cryptocurrency at a predetermined price within a specific time frame. You can use options trading for hedging or speculative purposes, as it provides traders with flexibility and the potential to manage risk effectively.

Learn more about options trading, including its advantages and strategies, by visiting Bybit's range of resources. You can learn about Bybit's options trading, understand the basics of Bybit Easy Options and even take a comprehensive Bybit Options Course.

Quick Wins: Trading Strategies for Short-Term Traders

Master Day Trading

Day trading demands rapid decision-making based on intraday price movements to capitalize on short-term opportunities. You must be adept at analyzing market trends, and learn how to swing into action at a moment's notice. Mastering day trading techniques, such as scalping and range trading, can help you profit from the notorious volatility of cryptocurrencies. 

Swing Into Profits

Swing trading is the sweet spot for traders who prefer a more sedate tempo than that of the rapid-fire day trading approach. It captures short- to medium-term gains in a cryptocurrency's price movement. Traders look for opportunities where the price will likely swing up or down within a specific time frame — from an overnight hold to several weeks. Swing traders diligently apply technical analysis to capture these price swings, effectively timing their entries and exits.

Learn more: 4 Best Cryptocurrency Swing Trading Strategies That Work (2023)

Leverage to Your Advantage

Leveraging in trading allows investors to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital. It amplifies both gains and losses, making it an effective tool when properly used. Margin trading allows traders to open positions with borrowed funds, while crypto derivatives offer exposure to assets at a fraction of the underlying cost. These smart leverage strategies can optimize your trading by balancing risk and reward.

High-Frequency Trading

High-frequency trading involves executing many orders at extremely high speeds. This strategy uses algorithms to analyze multiple markets and execute trades based on predefined criteria. It relies on advanced technology and infrastructure to exploit minute price differentials and provide arbitrage opportunities.

Indicators and Oscillators for Short-Term Traders

Spot the Right Signals

Short-term traders key into technical indicators such as moving averages, RSI (relative strength index) and MACD (moving average convergence divergence) to identify the correct trading signals. Moving averages help smooth out price data to spot trend directions, while RSI gauges the speed and change of price movements to indicate overbought or oversold conditions. MACD is used to catch trends early, together with the trend momentum.

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Time your trades more precisely with oscillators such as stochastic and Bollinger Bands®. The stochastic oscillator compares a particular closing price of an asset to a range of its prices over a certain period, helping to predict price turnarounds. Bollinger Bands provide a relative definition of high and low prices, offering a dynamic perspective to guide decisions on entry and exit points in the market. Tools such as these, correctly used, can enhance a trader's ability to make more effective, data-driven decisions.

Building Wealth: Trading Strategies for Long-Term Traders

Invest for the Long Haul

Long-term trading strategies focus on building wealth over time with patience and foresight. They’re less about short-term fluctuations and more about the potential for considerable growth over years, or even decades. If you’re going in for the long haul, resources on the best long-term crypto investments can provide valuable insights into which assets might yield the best results.

Diversify Your Portfolio

Risk management in long-term trading is rooted in diversification. Traders can mitigate the concentrated risks associated with any single investment by investing across diverse asset classes, geographies and industries. This strategy helps maintain a portfolio’s balance during volatile market conditions, and sets the stage for capturing gains from multiple sources. 

A well-diversified portfolio is akin to a balanced investment diet, providing the nutrients for steady growth.

Earn Passive Income

Earning passive income through crypto investment can be a lucrative addition to long-term wealth-building strategies. Staking coins, participating in web3 projects and using crypto cards are just a few of the ways to earn rewards or interest on your holdings. These methods allow your assets to work for you, compounding gains over time. 

Learn more about the following avenues for earning passive crypto income:

  • Staking coins: Secure your digital assets and earn rewards by staking coins. It’s a way to contribute to the blockchain’s security and efficiency while receiving compensation. Explore the best staking coins to maximize your returns.

  • Bybit Web3 Staking: Participate in Bybit Web3 Staking to earn rewards while supporting decentralized applications (DApps) and services within the burgeoning web3 ecosystem.

  • Crypto referrals: Take advantage of crypto referral programs to earn bonuses and commissions by introducing new users to the platform.

  • Bybit Savings: Benefit from flexible staking options that allow you to earn interest while retaining the ability to withdraw your assets at any time.

  • Bybit Discount Buy: Learn about discount buy trading strategies to purchase assets at lower prices and enhance your investment portfolio.

  • Bybit Dual Asset: Explore dual asset mining to potentially increase your earnings by simultaneously engaging in two different yield-generating activities.

Wealth Management

Crypto wealth management is a specialized financial service that allows users to diversify and grow their crypto assets through expertly managed investment strategies without incurring fees. Bybit Wealth Management, for instance, offers a Fund Pool that maximizes profits while minimizing risks, regardless of market conditions. It employs risk-neutral strategies and calculates yields using a formula based on the number of coins staked, the annual percentage rate (APR) and the staking period. 

Learn more: How to Get Started With Bybit Wealth Management (Step-by-Step)

Copy Trading

Copy trading allows traders to mirror the strategies of more experienced investors. It’s a form of automated trading in which a user’s trades are executed in line with their chosen expert’s trades, making it an excellent option for novice traders or those looking to diversify their strategies. Copy trading can be particularly helpful in the crypto market, where the learning curve can be steep. Resources on how to get started with copy trading can guide you through the process and introduce you to platforms such as Bybit’s Aurora AI, which facilitates this trading style.

Trading Bots

Trading bots automate the trading process, executing trades based on predefined criteria and algorithms. They can operate around the clock, taking advantage of opportunities that arise outside of normal trading hours. Bots can be programmed for various strategies, including copy trading and spot grid trading, which works to profit from natural market fluctuations. 

Learn more: How Does Bybit Incorporate AI in Trading Bots to Maximize Profit?


TradeGPT is an AI-enhanced approach to long-term crypto trading that leverages the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze market trends and optimize investment decisions. Users input specific commands or questions, and TradeGPT generates responses or actions based on the given prompts. Bybit’s TradeGPT aims to provide traders with insightful analysis and efficient trading execution.

Indicators and Oscillators for Long-Term Traders

Analyze for the Future

Technical indicators can provide insight into longer-term trends and help to locate entry and exit points for trading.

  • Moving averages, such as simple moving averages (SMAs) and exponential moving averages (EMAs), can identify and confirm trends, supplying support and resistance levels to generate buy and sell signals.

  • On-Balance Volume (OBV) uses volume to confirm price trends and signal the strength of buying and selling pressure. 

Understand Market Trends

The MACD (moving average convergence divergence) and RSI (relative strength index) oscillators enable traders to understand long-term market trends. MACD helps identify trend direction and momentum, and RSI measures the speed and change of price movements to identify overbought and oversold conditions. These tools are key for making data-backed investment decisions based on long-term market trends.

Protect Your Investments With Smart Risk Management

Risk/Reward Ratio

The risk/reward ratio is a risk management concept that guides traders to assess potential profits against possible losses. It’s about striking a balance between the desire for high returns and the need to protect capital. A favorable risk/reward ratio is typically below 1:1, meaning the potential gains outweigh the risks. Use this ratio to set targets and limit orders to ensure disciplined decision-making and optimize your trading strategy.

Position Sizing and Diversification

Position sizing is the process of considering your risk tolerance and account size in order to determine how much capital to allocate to a particular trade. It’s a fundamental risk management tool that helps prevent significant losses. Diversification, on the other hand, involves spreading investments across various assets in order to reduce exposure to any single risk. Combining position sizing with diversification can fortify your holdings against market volatility, protecting your portfolio from unpredictable market movements.

Use Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Orders

Stop-loss and take-profit orders are essential tools for managing risk and securing profits. A stop-loss order automatically sells an asset when it reaches a certain price, limiting potential losses. Conversely, a take-profit order locks in profits by selling an asset once it hits a predetermined profit target. These orders help traders check their emotions so they can stick to their strategies.

Learn more: Bybit Double-Win: Tailored Solutions for Volatile Market Hedging

Keep up With Market News and Trends

Understand Market Sentiment

Price swings within the cryptocurrency market are often driven by changes in market sentiment — the overall attitude of market participants toward the cryptocurrency market, reflecting their emotions, opinions and expectations. It can shift either for fundamental reasons, such as financial or geopolitical events, or based on sentiment, such as market fear or greed.

Fundamental analysis in cryptocurrency involves evaluating factors that drive a project’s viability, including network usage, technical progress and a project’s stated vision. Its intent is to provide a measure of a cryptocurrency’s intrinsic value.

Overall trading is commonly influenced by general market sentiment toward crypto. Another gauge to watch is the crypto fear and greed index, which looks at market indicators in order to signal investor anxiety or bullishness. The index gives an indication of the prevailing emotional state of the market.


The Bottom Line

Building wealth in crypto requires a mix of strategies suited for different time horizons. Using short-term indicators can lead to quick gains, while long-term tactics can help to achieve sustained growth. Traders can use proven strategies to execute spot or derivatives trading while managing risks and fees. Enhance your trading success by increasing your understanding of the tools you can access, including technical indicators and bots — whether for short-term gains or long-term wealth building.

Disclaimer: All trading carries risk. Only risk capital you can afford to lose.
