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ERC-1155: The Multi-Token Standard for Next-Gen Digital Assets

16 de fev de 2024

Since Ethereum is one of the most-used blockchain networks, it's essential to stay up-to-date on Ethereum token development ideas. An especially useful token standard to know about is ERC-1155. Originally designed for handling NFTs more easily, ERC-1155 has branched out in the past few years. Developers are beginning to realize that its flexible design has many applications outside of its original purpose. To understand why the ERC-1155 token standard is so revolutionary, let’s take a closer look at how it works and what it does.

Key Takeaways:

  • ERC-1155 is an Ethereum token standard introduced in 2019. It’s designed to be a versatile way of creating both fungible and non-fungible tokens. 

  • With this multi-token standard, a single smart contract can handle multiple token types.

What Is ERC-1155?

ERC-1155 is an Ethereum token standard introduced in 2019. It’s designed to be a versatile way of creating both fungible (interchangeable) and non-fungible tokens. With this multi-token standard, a single smart contract can handle multiple token types.

How Does the ERC-1155 Token Standard Work?

ERC-1155 is a type of community-proposed token standard. This means that it's a set of smart contract guidelines that the Ethereum community agrees to follow for certain types of tokens. By standardizing how these tokens are managed, the Ethereum community can easily use the same software and contracts in a variety of web3 programs.

Every ERC-1155 token starts with a developer designing a contract on the Ethereum blockchain. During token creation, they need to specify parameters such as token IDs, symbols and types. This can be done directly with code, or developers might use software to manage these technical details. ERC-1155 smart contracts can simultaneously manage both fungible and non-fungible tokens. This means they can handle interchangeable tokens, such as standard Ethereum coins, and non-interchangeable tokens, such as NFT artwork.

Once the ERC-1155 smart contract is designed, new tokens can be minted by the owner, and tokens can be transferred between various owners. All ERC-1155 tokens and transactions are permanently recorded on the main Ethereum blockchain. Its ledger will display a chronological list of all tokens, which wallets the tokens belong to and when each batch approval took place.

Benefits of ERC-1155

There are several considerations that distinguish this type of contract from other similar Ethereum token standards. People who choose to work with ERC-1155 contracts enjoy the following benefits.


Many types of Ethereum smart contracts are only built to handle tokens once at a time. To do things like send multiple items to the same wallet, you'd need to process the items one by one. In contrast, ERC-1155 is an efficient token standard with the option of bundling multiple transactions and token IDs into a single smart contract. For example, if you were playing a game with game assets stored as ERC-1155 tokens, you could use a single transaction to send multiple weapons and game coins to a friend at once. You only need to process one batch approval, instead of handling it manually. This makes transactions faster to process, and reduces the amount of Ethereum gas fees you need to pay.


Most Ethereum token standards are useful only for creating either fungible or non-fungible tokens. Before ERC-1155, developers who wanted to work with both token types would have to write a separate smart contract for each. Fortunately, ERC-1155 can manage multiple token types with the same contract. This flexibility makes it ideal for systems that use multiple assets. The ERC-1155 token standard is also the first to allow for semi-fungible tokens, which can do things such as switching from a fungible token to a non-fungible token at a specified date, so it has a lot of interesting applications for web3 programs.


One of the most unique features of this token standard is the inclusion of token reclamation options. Usually, if a person sends Ethereum tokens to the wrong address, they've lost their tokens for good. However, ERC-1155 security tokens have a safe transfer function that makes it possible to reclaim a token that was mistakenly sent to the wrong address. This provides people with a much more secure way of transferring tokens between wallets.

Challenges of ERC-1155

ERC-1155 tokens have a lot of benefits, but that doesn't mean they work perfectly in every situation. As with any other token standard, ERC-1155 does have potential pitfalls to be aware of.


The main challenge of the multi-token standard is that it's a complex system. Putting in the wrong information can easily lead to problems like accidentally placing the wrong items in your batch transfer. There have also been some instances of people using the safe transfer function of the security tokens to perform scams on users who weren't aware of it. Though this protocol has a lot of applications, it's not particularly novice-friendly. Unless there’s a helpful interface in place, some users may get confused when trying to work with ERC-1155 transactions.

Lack of Support

The ERC-1155 standard only went live four years ago, so some older software might not yet be set up to support token contracts. This can cause compatibility issues that keep certain wallets or software development kits from easily running ERC-1155 systems. People who prefer some older blockchain technology might find it difficult to incorporate ERC-1155 into their plans.

Difficulty of Setup

The final challenge of ERC-1155 is that it takes more time to set up in the first place. Many small details go into designing and minting a token on the ERC-1155 standard. Compared to other token protocols, you have to follow more steps and define more features of the coin. Though this lengthier token development process provides more flexible setup options, it also means that beginning developers might experience more difficulty in working with ERC-1155.

ERC-20 vs. ERC-721 vs. ERC-1155

To better understand what makes ERC-1155 so special, it's useful to consider how the token standard compares to other popular options. ERC-20 is often called the original token standard. It lets people mint their own fungible tokens that run on the Ethereum blockchain, and it's the backbone of many other popular crypto systems, such as Tether and Shiba Inu. Meanwhile, ERC-721 is the Ethereum token standard for non-fungible tokens. It lets people create unique tokens such as the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection.

ERC-1155 is essentially a combination of ERC-20 and ERC-721. It permits the creation of fungible tokens that function just like ERC-20 coins, or it can create non-fungible tokens that work just like a standard ERC-721 NFT. However, ERC-1155 is a lot more complex than either of these other token standards. It also includes some features not found in either ERC-20 or ERC-721. For example, ERC-1155 can mint semi-fungible tokens that aren’t found in other popular token standards, and it also has safe transfer functions that are capable of reversing incorrect transactions. The other major difference is that multiple balances and assets can be combined into a single transaction.

Use Cases of ERC-1155

There are a variety of engaging applications for systems built with the ERC-1155 token standard.


The ERC-1155's token development originated with a game developer, Philippe Castonguay, who wanted to design a helpful new standard for gaming. The protocol was meant to make it much easier to handle game items. For example, with ERC-1155, you could create a player account with both fungible first aid potions and non-fungible armor. You could even create game assets such as a fungible sword that users can upgrade into non-fungible specialty armor. The protocol also makes it easier to transfer large batches of items between players, while still giving players the ability to transfer individual items. Overall, ERC-1155 is one of the main protocols behind web3 gaming development.

Customer Outreach Programs

ERC-1155 tokens have a lot of intriguing applications for business and customer service. Since this token protocol is one of only few that let tokens transition between fungibility and non-fungibility, it has many uses for modern web3 products. For instance, with ERC-1155 businesses can hand out reward points that customers can later exchange for digital assets or real-life products. In addition, the ability to send multiple tokens in a batch transfer makes the whole system more efficient, which is essential for companies handling multiple balances and large numbers of customers at once.


All the customization options of ERC-1155 tokens also make them ideal for digital collectibles. For example, NFT collections like CryptoKitties use ERC-1155 to offer a broader range of NFT styles than other collections are capable of creating. Unique artwork, cards and audio can all be created with ERC-1155 tokens.


The Future of the ERC-1155 Token Standard

With its ability to handle multiple tokens at once, the ERC-1155 standard is one of the most promising types of ERC tokens. Not only is it efficient, lowering gas fees and letting you send assets in a single transaction, but it also allows people to easily add customization options during token creation. In just a few years, ERC-1155 has already become one of the most frequently used ERC tokens. It's unlikely to disappear in the near future, and you'll probably run into countless token contracts that use it in the future.

Crypto experts predict that ERC-1155 will become especially popular for NFT tokens. In time, it might even outpace ERC-721 NFTs. Unlike the ERC-20 standard, which still provides people with some useful levels of simplicity, there are few downsides to using ERC-1155 for NFTs. It allows developers to create NFTs that easily transition between various designs, and ensures that multiple transactions can be quickly processed in a batch transfer. Especially for NFTs in games, this token standard is the ideal system.

The Bottom Line

ERC-1155 is one of the most versatile Ethereum token protocols. It allows users to create a variety of fungible, non-fungible and semi-fungible tokens, and also has some helpful features such as extra security during token transfers. Ultimately, these perks make ERC-1155 an incredibly useful standard with numerous potential applications for web3 development.

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