
Renzo (REZ): Enhancing Yields Through Liquid Restaking

28 трав 2024 р.

Ethereum's flexibility and convenience have made it one of the most popular networks for building new web3 projects. This has also resulted in a vast network of Ethereum-compatible projects, such as Renzo, a simple, Ethereum-based protocol with some big implications. In just a few months, it's already managed to attract attention due to its unusual purpose. If you're interested in learning more about Renzo, explore this guide to see how it works and what effect it could have on the Ethereum network. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Renzo is a liquid restaking token protocol and strategy manager that runs on EigenLayer and helps to manage its operator nodes. 

  • Looking to trade Renzo tokens? Bybit now offers REZUSDT Perpetual contracts.


What Is Renzo?

Renzo is a liquid restaking token protocol and strategy manager. It runs on EigenLayer and helps to manage its operator nodes. Renzo's easy-to-use interface provides a convenient way for users to stake their Ethereum and generate additional rewards.

What Is EigenLayer?

EigenLayer is an Ethereum middleware service. Web3 developers can build on EigenLayer to get all the security of Ethereum without the network's high gas fees. It also has its own restaking program, which helps to secure network operator nodes and maintain network security.

History of Renzo

Renzo was launched in December 2023 by Lucas Kozinski, James Poole and Kratik Lodha. Kozinski and Poole met while working at another crypto startup, Tokensoft, and bonded over their interest in new applications for Ethereum. Meanwhile, Lodha is a crypto investor with a background in economics. The three joined together with the aim of creating a reliable, financially sound crypto project that could offer something new to the Ethereum market. 

Renzo has grown to include 15 team members. The company operates in a decentralized manner. Its engineers, product developers and marketers all contribute equally, making decisions about their liquid restaking tokens as a team. 

What Does Renzo Aim to Achieve?

Renzo's primary goal is to support the EigenLayer ecosystem. The Renzo team firmly believes in EigenLayer’s open-market design, and in the network’s ability to encourage innovation and promote new and exciting crypto development concepts. 

However, despite its benefits, EigenLayer has some potential problems. It can often be a bit confusing for people who are new to the crypto space, and it's built more for developers than for everyday investors. Renzo aims to make the staking process a lot simpler. By offering a straightforward and fast interface, Renzo empowers users to stake the ETH tokens that the EigenLayer ecosystem needs to function properly. This helps to improve network security while simultaneously attracting more traffic to the network.

How Does Renzo Work?

Renzo’s staking process relies on a complex blend of traditional software and blockchain concepts. Through the familiar software interface, Renzo introduces customers to all of EigenLayer's fantastic features. Behind the scenes, the Renzo liquid restaking token system uses a five-step process to ensure users earn staking rewards:

  1. The user deposits their liquid staking token (LST) or ETH token into staking smart contracts on Renzo.

  2. Renzo sends the token to the EigenLayer's strategy manager, who determines the most efficient way of managing the staked assets.

  3. EigenLayer delegates the strategy to Renzo's node operators.

  4. Renzo opts into actively validated services (AVS) on EigenLayer to earn fees.

  5. The EigenLayer fees and the standard Ethereum staking rewards are distributed back to the user via additional smart contracts.

Features of Renzo

Renzo has a lot of features available for investors who want to improve their risk management and earn passive income from liquid restaking tokens. Here are the main ways Renzo’s actively validated services assist crypto enthusiasts and EigenLayer users.


Restake is the mainnet for Renzo's staking process. Users stake their desired token, and receive a liquid restaking token called ezETH, which can be used in other transactions while users' initial funds earn interest by securing actively validated services. Ultimately, Restake is an ideal way of addressing high market risk, since it lets users earn money without having to participate in risky investments or permanently transfer ownership of their Ethereum tokens.

Deposit Boosts

Deposit Boosts provide additional ways of handling risk management and staking rewards. Users can stake additional, non-Ethereum tokens to increase the rate at which they earn interest. This feature adds many diverse tokens to the network and rewards users with higher levels of contribution.

Renzo ezPoints

ezPoints are the rewards system for Renzo users. People earn points based on the amounts they stake and the level of their contributions to the network. Inviting other users also allows people to earn ezPoints. With ezPoints, you can obtain additional staking rewards while using your liquid staking tokens.

Renzo Road Map

Beginning in the summer of 2023, Renzo began designing its system, and by December 2023, it had launched its public staking program. For 2024, Renzo hopes to expand its system, with plans to integrate more decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols into the Renzo mainnet. The Renzo team aims to collaborate with protocols such as Compound, Aave and MakerDAO in order to turn ezETH liquid staking tokens into a currency that can be used on other systems. 

REZ Tokenomics

REZ is the native token that helps to manage governance within the Renzo system. The Renzo ecosystem relies on REZ to assist with votes and determine policies for the platform. REZ has a maximum supply of 10 billion tokens and an initial circulating supply of 1.15 billion. Renzo plans on distributing its initial circulating supply of REZ as follows:

  • Community and airdrop rewards: 32%

  • Fundraising: 31.56%

  • Renzo team and advisors: 20%

  • Renzo Foundation: 12.44%

  • Binance Launchpool: 2.5%

  • Liquidity: 1.5%

REZ Price Prediction

Since first coming to the market in April 2024, the REZ governance token has experienced a lot of highs and lows. After initially retailing for around $0.25, its price dropped to $0.13, recovered to $0.19 and has been on a slow decline since then. Currently, REZ token prices are sitting around $0.1485 (as of May 28, 2024). 

Some crypto analysts, like First1Bitcoin, predict that the REZ coin’s price will recover and could soon reach $0.17. The low prices have led many crypto enthusiasts to believe the coin is undervalued and could lead to big profits. Binance's market data is a little more cautious, but it still predicts that REZ native token prices will rise at least 4% in the near future and reach $0.12 by the end of the year.

Where to Buy REZ

Looking to trade Renzo tokens? Bybit now offers REZUSDT Perpetual contracts. To get started, you’ll need to create a Bybit account, then fund it with cryptocurrency and navigate to the REZUSDT Perpetual contracts trading page.


Is REZ a Good Investment?

Renzo empowers users to stake Ethereum, but so far, the platform has struggled to attract anyone outside of dedicated EigenLayer ecosystem fans. Since its service is so specific, it’s unlikely to become the next big thing in the web3 space, with skyrocketing token prices.

However, being a niche product doesn't mean REZ is a worthless investment. Though there is some high market risk associated with the token, it does have the potential to rise in value. Investors who look for overlooked coins with significant growth opportunities may enjoy the REZ token. If you're considering REZ, make sure to use sufficient loss mitigation strategies, such as portfolio diversification.

Closing Thoughts

The Renzo protocol provides a valuable service for EigenLayer users. Its liquid staking token makes it easier for people to earn passive interest from their staked assets, and helps secure actively validated services for EigenLayer nodes. Though this might seem like a minor service, it could end up making Ethereum staking a lot more valuable. In the future, crypto investors can expect intriguing developments from Renzo and the REZ token. 
