Topics Blockchain

Omni Network (OMNI): An L1 Blockchain Connecting All Rollups

27 трав 2024 р.

Though Ethereum is one of the leading blockchains in the crypto space, it doesn't always function as a standalone chain. Most modern web3 projects use third-party blockchains to expand Ethereum's capabilities and add more services to the main chain. Omni is a great example of a protocol layer that makes Ethereum even more versatile. Its rollup and communication technologies make the entire Ethereum ecosystem more interoperable and scalable. This guide takes a look at the fascinating way that Omni’s important network functions.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Layer 1 blockchain network built to improve Ethereum's capabilities, Omni functions as an integrated rollup layer. 

  • Omni allows various rollups on Ethereum to communicate seamlessly with each other.

  • Looking to trade Omni tokens? Bybit now offers the OMNI/USDT Spot pair.


What Is Omni?

Omni is a blockchain network built to improve Ethereum's capabilities. It's a Layer 1 chain that functions as an integrated rollup layer. Using Omni, all rollups on Ethereum can communicate seamlessly with each other.

History of Omni

Omni was founded by Austin King and Tyler Tarsi. Both King and Tarsi are former Harvard students with backgrounds in blockchain technology. Before starting Omni, King designed the Interledger network for managing payments, while Tarsi built a machine-learning (ML) infrastructure for trading. These ventures encouraged them to work closely with Ethereum. During their efforts, King and Tarsi realized a need for better rollup communication, so they joined forces and in 2021, the Omni Foundation announced the launch of its network.

What Does Omni Aim to Achieve?

Omni's mission is to provide a unified operating system for rollup connectivity. Rollups are one of the essential features of most Ethereum Layer 2 networks. This technology allows Layer 2 networks to bundle together multiple transactions and publish them on the Ethereum network as a single, compressed block. Rollups make transactions on Ethereum a lot faster and cheaper, so their popularity comes as no surprise.

However, the Omni Foundation realized that most systems were using their own proprietary rollup technology. This made it difficult to get information from certain rollups, or to transfer data between rollups on different networks. Omni decided to create a protocol that allows rollups to message each other. By improving communication between diverse rollups, Omni hopes to make the entire Ethereum system more effective and efficient.

How Does Omni Work?

Omni operates as a fully independent blockchain. Instead of being a Layer 2 network, it's a complete, standalone network that can sit between Ethereum and other Layer 2 rollup systems. The Omni Ethereum native interoperability protocol uses a proof of stake (PoS) consensus method in which validators verify nodes by temporarily locking crypto assets. The dual staking mechanism uses both Ethereum tokens and Omni tokens, and employs a four-part architecture for bridging rollups and passing information between systems. 

Every transaction on Omni starts with a user calling for a function through the initial rollup. Smart contracts convert this call into language that Omni can understand, and its Halo protocol then analyzes the data and packages it in a structure known as an XBlock. The Relayer protocol on Omni transmits the XBlock into language a secondary rollup can process. It then goes through the destination rollup's framework, and the request is relayed to the end user. 

Features of Omni

Omni's mission of providing more communication between multiple chains has grown over time. There are now multiple features that expand Omni into a complex Ethereum ecosystem.


First launched on Omni Omega, restaking is a technique that allows users to farm OMNI or ETH tokens (depending upon their preferences). Token holders can use the ETH they already own, instead of having to buy OMNI just to stake tokens on the Omni network. By temporarily locking tokens, token holders earn income and the network becomes more secure.

Rollup Interoperability

Omni forms an interoperable network for rollups. Once projects integrate Omni, their systems can easily communicate with other rollups and pass information back and forth.


Omni’s EVM services mean that its chain is fully compatible with the interoperable network of the Ethereum ecosystem and easily works with all EVM decentralized applications (DApps) and projects. These EVM capabilities also ensure Omni’s excellent security and performance.

Gas Abstraction

Gas abstraction is a simple way of handling fees on Omni. With earlier testnet versions, such as Omni Overdrive, the team realized users transitioning between multiple rollups would have to pay multiple sets of fees. Thus, they added the gas abstraction fee to quickly summarize all fees, only requiring a single payment.

CometBFT: Consensus Engine

This consensus algorithm ensures Omni is as secure and scalable as possible. A Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) consensus system, CometBFT ensures that no malicious users can overtake the Omni network.

Dual-Chain Architecture

Omni runs on two separate layers. The Consensus layer secures and verifies the network, while the Execution layer processes transactions. This split-level design allows the network to be as efficient as possible.

Omni Integrated Consensus

Half of Omni's consensus system runs on the Ethereum virtual machine, while the other half runs on Omni's main system. This allows its network to use the security of Ethereum, while still keeping its own proprietary rollup consensus features activated.

Omni Road Map

Omni's past three years have been busy. It successfully designed and published a complete blockchain architecture that started with the Omni Overdrive testnet, progressed to the Omni Omega testnet and ended with a mainnet launch. Now, 2024 is all about refining the Omni system and making it more broadly available. After releasing the Omni mainnet in April 2024, the Omni Foundation announced its next move: focusing on its token launch and providing a more detailed staking system that will let users farm Omni tokens for passive income.

Q3 2024 will see the release of a library with built-in rollup applications for developers to use, and the launch of Kubernetes-like deployments. In Q4, the Omni Foundation plans to expand Omni with a sharding capability so Omni can easily handle large volumes of transactions. 

OMNI Tokenomics

OMNI is the Omni staking token that helps to run the dual staking mechanism and secure the entire blockchain system. It’s an EVM-compatible ERC-20 token with a total supply of 100 million. OMNI’s initial supply of 10.4 million tokens was released in the Omni Genesis airdrop, and the remaining tokens will be unlocked on a four-year schedule. 

Here are Omni's plans for token distribution:

  • Ecosystem development: 29.5%

  • Core contributors: 25.3%

  • Investors: 20.1%

  • Community growth: 12.7%

  • Public launch: 9.3%

  • Advisors: 3.3%

OMNI Price Prediction

Since the Omni Genesis airdrop in April 2024, the OMNI token has performed well. It dropped from its initial price of $46, but has managed to stay between $13 to $15 since then, with its current price at $20.19 (as of May 27, 2024). Prices have fluctuated slightly, yet remain fairly stable overall. 

Analysts from AMBCrypto believe that OMNI’s price will surge to $37.72 by the end of 2024 and increase to $335.73 by 2027. This extremely positive sentiment is supported by CoinCodex’s analysis, with a forecast for OMNI’s price to reach $97.02 by 2025 and $132.07 by 2029.


Where to Buy OMNI

Looking to trade Omni tokens? Bybit now offers the OMNI/USDT Spot trading pair. To get started, you’ll first need to create a Bybit account, then fund it with cryptocurrency and navigate to the OMNI/USDT Spot trading page.

Is OMNI a Good Investment?

The OMNI token may be a useful option for investors looking for slow yet steady gains. Other than a few wildly optimistic Omni fans, most people don't predict drastic price rises that will leave OMNI holders millionaires. Nevertheless, sudden and extreme drops in its price seem unlikely. This token is backed by a reliable project that provides a helpful service for Ethereum, and its utility should help to secure its value. However, keep in mind that all crypto investments are volatile. Any OMNI investor needs to research the token carefully, and ensure they have the funds to invest in an asset that might lose value. 

Closing Thoughts

Omni has created an Ethereum-native interoperability protocol that makes it much easier to manage rollups. People looking to build on a unified operating system can easily integrate Omni into their projects and send information to/from various rollups. By making it easier for multiple chains to communicate, Omni has the potential to greatly boost Ethereum's development.
