Topics Blockchain

GraphLinq Chain (GLQ): Automating Web3 With No-Code AI

27 авг. 2024 г.

The web3 world is certainly full of exciting opportunities and applications, but it does have a slight issue with accessibility. Many people find that they can't really experiment with web3 design unless they have a lot of technology skills. GraphLinq Chain is a new project that aims to make it much easier to interact with blockchain programming. This organization hopes to let anyone create automated web3 products — even if they have zero coding experience. How does GraphLinq Chain provide this incredibly helpful service? Keep reading to find out.

Key Takeaways:

  • GraphLinq Chain is a blockchain ecosystem that focuses on automation and DApp development. It uses a suite of AI tools to let people build customized designs simply by combining pre-made templates.

  • Its vision is "to create a more efficient, cost-effective and automated future."


What Is GraphLinq Chain?

GraphLinq Chain is a blockchain ecosystem that focuses on automation and decentralized application (DApp) development. It uses a suite of AI tools to let people build customized designs simply by combining premade templates. The GraphLinq ecosystem also uses its own blockchain network and engine to run its design protocol.

History of GraphLinq Chain

GraphLinq Chain was founded in 2021 by Frederick Marinho, an experienced software engineer who has founded a few other projects, including the Crypto Signals Hub trading platform. In his past work on decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, Frederick realized there was a need to improve accessibility. He met many people with great ideas who couldn't capitalize on their designs because they didn't have a coding background like he did. Therefore, he decided to create a project that could assist innovators with creating DApps and automated crypto tools.

What Does GraphLinq Chain Aim to Achieve?

GraphLinq Chain's vision is "to create a more efficient, cost-effective and automated future." The company hopes that its tool will make it easy and affordable for developers to design automated DApps and other programs. By reducing the need for high-level coding skills, GraphLinq Chain plans to empower its users. The company aims to give the average person the ability to create and run any project they can conceive. 

Compared to other blockchain ecosystems, GraphLinq Chain hopes to focus more on technology and community. Unlike some other startups, it has worked hard to create a comprehensive suite of tools before launching its system. In addition to aiming to provide high-quality services, GraphLinq Chain also plans to build a community. By setting up the GraphLinq ecosystem so that people can collaborate and share projects, GraphLinq Chain believes it can design a site where users encourage each other to fulfill their dreams. 

How Does GraphLinq Chain Work?

GraphLinq Chain has its own proprietary blockchain and engine that runs its user-friendly protocol for automated coding. From the user interface, people designing tools will simply see a set of small, self-explanatory lines of text — for example, blocks such as "get Bitcoin" or "convert to data." These blocks form the graphs that make up the entire GraphLinq system.

Every block is actually a premade code library. As users arrange their graphs in their desired configurations, the GraphLinq Chain engine takes the code and converts it into JSON instruction opcode. These instructions can then be understood as smart contracts and code, and the system will then run them as blockchain tasks through the GraphLinq platform.

Utilizing these graphs on the GraphLinq Chain system will require small transaction fees. The graphs will show estimated costs as users design them. When actually running a new project, GraphLinq Chain tokens are used as fuel. Tokens are burned to execute graphs, so token supply gradually decreases as more users adopt the GraphLinq Chain system. 

Features of GraphLinq Chain

The GraphLinq Chain ecosystem includes a comprehensive set of services that users can try. 

GraphLinq Hub

GraphLinq Hub stands out as a comprehensive platform tailored for DeFi enthusiasts. It offers an array of functionalities, from providing liquidity and collecting LP rewards to launching new projects on the GLQ chain. Users can engage in yield farming, leveraging their assets in a way that maximizes returns while supporting the ecosystem’s growth and stability. The platform also facilitates seamless swapping of ERC-20 and GLQ tokens, enhancing transaction efficiency. 

This platform is designed to cater to both newcomers and experienced traders, simplifying complex processes and enhancing the overall user experience. As part of the broader GraphLinq network, the Hub is instrumental in advancing the seamless integration of various DeFi services, making it a cornerstone for anyone looking to optimize their crypto activities.

GraphLinq IDE

The GraphLinq integrated development environment (IDE) is the novel interface that it uses to make DApp development more accessible. Users drag and drop blocks onto the graph to connect various functions. Once users design their system, the GraphLinq protocol then integrates it with their desired chains. The system supports both the native GraphLinq chain and others such as Ethereum.

GraphLinq Chain

GraphLinq Chain is the Layer 1 blockchain that runs the other parts of its ecosystem. This blockchain not only supports the usual functionalities expected of a modern blockchain, but also extends its capabilities to running trading bots and various applications directly on the chain. Its proof of authority (PoA) model ensures a secure and efficient consensus mechanism, while the chain’s compatibility with Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) platforms broadens its appeal, allowing users to easily migrate existing Ethereum-based projects or start new ones.

The chain's innovative design includes a network of regionally distributed RPC nodes that optimizes access for users worldwide, enhancing the performance and reliability of their interactions with the blockchain. This strategic infrastructure setup positions GraphLinq Chain as a robust platform for DApps, automation and smart contract deployment.

GraphLinq Chat

GraphLinq Chat harnesses the power of AI to make building DApps and tools even easier. If users don’t wish to manually combine modules themselves, they can chat with the GraphLinq AI. This system lets people carry on a straightforward conversation in which they describe what they want to do. The AI will then make suggestions for the best way to design a project. 

GraphLinq Market

The GraphLinq marketplace provides a way for users to interact with each other. People who enjoy designing on the system can create their own templates that they can then sell to other users. If someone wants a specific concept, but doesn't want to build it themselves, they can also post a request for someone else to design the tool for them.

GraphLinq Analytics

The GraphLinq ecosystem also offers analytic tools that developers can use for their own purposes. Through the GraphLinq analytics service, people can receive valuable data that they can then work into their own designs. 

GLQ Staking

To secure its network, GraphLinq requires users to stake tokens. Those interested in participating in this aspect of the system can earn excellent rewards. As compensation for your tokens being temporarily locked, GraphLinq gives you additional GLQ tokens. The system is known for offering particularly high rewards, and stakers can earn up to 17.5% yield

GraphLinq Chain Road Map

Since its creation, GraphLinq Chain has released many features. In the three years since its launch, it’s designed a token and created its graph-based and intuitive coding library. It has also managed to migrate the GraphLinq Chain platform from running on Ethereum to its own standalone blockchain. In the future, GraphLinq Chain hopes to expand both its system and potential applications. 

The developers of GraphLinq Chain are constantly working to add new blocks of coding that users can incorporate into their designs. As it improves the functionality of the system, GraphLinq Chain hopes to become essential in more industries. Its products are mostly used for DeFi at the moment, but eventually, the GraphLinq Chain team believes they would be a good fit for the healthcare and logistics industries. 

GLQ Tokenomics

As the native token of GraphLinq Chain, GLQ has many uses. In addition to being used for paying transaction fees, GLQ is also a governance token that allows token holders to vote on the future of GraphLinq Chain. It's also used as a validation method for confirming blocks within the GraphLinq Chain. GLQ has a total supply of 666,051,255 tokens, with 650 million GLQ at its genesis block. The token currently has a circulating supply of around 340 million tokens. The entire supply of GLQ is divided into four categories: 

  • Reserves for migrating off Ethereum: 500 million

  • Ecosystem fund: 50 million

  • User and staker incentives: 50 million

  • Treasury: 50 million

GLQ Price Prediction

GLQ has experienced some dramatic price changes since its release in 2021. After some initial volatility, its price stabilized in the $0.001–$0.009 range for several years. However, in April 2024, GLQ token prices soared to an all-time high of $0.19. This price spike initially took place because of GraphLinq's announcement of token farming, and then the price continued to climb due to hype on crypto exchanges.

Is this price increase likely to reoccur? Social media posts for GLQ are fairly bullish, so it's probable that the coin's price will increase, at least a little, in the near future. Bigger price increases are likely at some point. GLQ prices are highly sensitive to GraphLinq Chain news updates, so any time the company announces something big, prices begin to climb once more. DigitalCoinPrice predicts that the token will rise from its current value of $0.05 to$0.15 in 2025.


Is GLQ a Good Investment?

GLQ is an excellent token to invest in if your priority is promising tech projects. It has a solid background of technological innovation, and the token’s price has corresponded quite well to advancements made by GraphLinq Chain. This token is a good choice for those who want a long-term investment that will rise in value alongside its parent company. 

However, GLQ might not work well if you're hoping for a fast profit. Unless the coin once again manages to capture the attention of crypto enthusiasts, it's unlikely the large price increase of April 2024 will be duplicated anytime soon. Don't forget the volatility of the crypto market. No matter how promising GLQ seems, it's still important to protect your assets and avoid overextending yourself for any single crypto token.

Closing Thoughts

GraphLinq Chain's mission to provide a simple, user-friendly interface for managing blockchain information is quite intriguing. By designing a system that appeals to those who don't code, the company has managed to tap into a market that's been overlooked by most crypto projects. These technological innovations have also resulted in some major price increases for the GLQ crypto, so it's no surprise that many investors are interested in it. 
